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There are both behavioral and pharmacological treatments available with known efficacy


Upwards of 14% percent of youths will have a diagnosis of depression or bipolar


Today 60% of youths do not have access to treatment for their depression

O U R  A P P R O A C H

Mood disorders can have a devastating emotional and functional impact if left untreated. At The  Anxiety Center, we understand the suffering they cause and will work to connect your child with the best behavioral treatments to get them back to functioning as their true selves. For depressive disorders, our treatments operate from a medical model that emphasizes the genetic and neurobiological nature of the disorder so that patients understand that it is treatable and not their fault.  Our treatment integrates the use of several effective cognitive behavioral therapies including dialectical behavioral therapy, behavioral activation,  and child + family focused therapy. The particular therapeutic approach is decided by considering individual factors that would make the child most likely to succeed. Coming to The Anxiety Center you can be sure that your child will receive compassionate care as we walk with them through difficult emotions and teach them strategies that will inspire hope and minimize the chance of reoccurrence in the future.


Disorders We Treat

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